I'm in Varanasi right now, chillin with the Baba's and watching the body parts float down the Ganges. I met a couple of cool Ausi dudes and have been traveling with them for a while now. We're gonna split in a few days, they're heading to Chenai and I'm heading to the beach in Goa, my Pushkar friends have an apartment there and there is a spot on the roof with my name on it! That's gonna be nice!
I've been covering more ground than normal lately. I did a camel safari (yeah, yeah, I'm a tourist) in Jaisalmer and that was sweet! The town of Jaisalmer its self is killer! It's an old fort with walls still surrounding it and 2,000 people still inhabiting it. The travelers get to stay inside and it's a unique feeling sleeping in such a mid-evil place!
My guide on the camel safari was a little fruity though. On the second day he was bragging and bragging and asked me if I was jealous of him. I said hell no, not at all, and I guess he was offended. He ended up telling me that he can get anyone into bed with him (man or woman), all he needs to do is speak and there is "something about my voice that no one can resist!" I assured him that my three Aussi friends wouldn't let me jump into bed with him and tried for a few more minutes to sample his bullshit. Soon after that he told me (out of the blue) that if he and I were to fight each other (?), "I may think I would win, because I'm bigger, but in reality, all he would need to do is flick me with his finger and I would fall (unconscious) into the fire!" Of course I begged for a sample of that B.S. as well, but he said there is a risk of me dieing! Okay!!!! I think I've said enough! =)
Anyway, I hit up Jodhpur (the blue city) after that and the view of the old, blue city from the top of yet another fort was sweet! Every home and building (almost all) in the old section of the city is painted blue, pretty cool and different. The fort in Jodhpur was also the coolest that I've seen yet! From Jodhpur I headed back to Pushkar to leave my cold weather stuff at the killer GH (Nanu's) I was staying at for the camel fair. It was cool to be there again, but not the same without all my friends.
I stayed only one night and took a bus to Jaipur in the morning, most people go there to buy wholesale junk to sell back home. I wandered around though, ate some meat (pretty hard to come by here), sat down and drank chai and talked to some random people. One of which was a taxi driver who approached me by saying " hello, I look like John Travolta!" Woohoo! It's impossible to get bored in India. Jaipur wasn't for me, so I headed to a couple of National Parks trying to spot some tigers, but no such luck. After the National parks it was Taj time and it was b-e-a-utiful, but expensive! Agra was great, I had too much fun on the roof tops drinking beer (also pretty rare in some city's) and bang Lassie's with my Aussie friends.
We kicked back in Orcha after Agra, a killer little village (shanti-shanti) with an old palace and ruins scattered around. There happened to be a festival there (Orcha) at that time, I think Rama got married to Sita there and every year they re-enact the whole thing. People from all the villages around come to watch and participate (just walk in the narrow streets following the 3 gods leading the whole thing) in the festival and then they all just sleep on the ground outside Rama's temple while some old dude is yelling and preaching all night till 6 in the morning! Really cool and perfect timing fore us.
Then we jumped to Khajuraho, the erotic temples... and some were erotic! Cool place, but very touristy. Finally we took a shitty bus ride here, Varanasi. For some reason Varanasi reminds me of Kathmandu a bit??
Oh, and just so you all know, a "holy cow" just wandered into this internet cafe...what? I must admit that I've been in denial since I've been in India. I see sidewalks in most towns, and for some stupid reason I think they're meant to walk on? I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that sidewalks are for everything but walking on! Stupid me! Oh, and another thing, I've been really nervous (the last two days) lately, I think I've eaten 7 or 8 meals in a row without a hair or bug in it, somethings gotta give! Anyway, India is the most schizophrenic country that I've been to. You're ready to flip out on some touts one minute, but then you swear this is the coolest country on earth the next! Pigs, cows, dogs, monkeys, rats and chickens all over the streets, along with enough trash to feed them all and then some! This place is crazy, perfect for me and all that (plus a lot, lot more) is just normal life here...
Anyway, I finally got train tickets to Goa from here, that was a mission! I'm leaving here on the 24th, arrive in Mubai on the 25th, depart for Goa at 11 at night (on the 25th) and arrive in Goa on the 26th, in time for the full moon party and the New Year! So, I know I'll be enjoying myself for the next couple of weeks, I hope you all do the same! I can't believe I've been gone for almost one year already! Life's to short, if there is something you want to do, go out and do it! WE are usually the only one's stopping us from doing what we truly want! Well, I'm outta here, more bang Lassie's to drink! ;-)
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