Saturday, October 4, 2008


My sister flew to Europe a few days ago, we had an amazing time together and I'm glad I had the opportunity to travel with her, even if it was in one of the craziest, hardest, noisiest, dirtiest countries in the world! I'll never forget it... I'm fully energized again and ready for the toughest leg of the trip. Thanks sister!

My friend Jacques, who I met in Pushkar, oh and also happens to be a ninja, is in Pakistan now. We plan on traveling Pakistan, Iran and Turkey together, but we've both had visa problems with Iran. We were told that Americans and Australians (Jacques is Australian) are not issued tourist visa's to Iran, but 7 day transit visa's are possible, just not in India for some stupid reason. So, if I'm unable to get my Iranian visa in Pakistan, I might just fly home from here??? Don't know one way or the other, there are always other interesting routs, but I've got to draw the line some where. Although, heading into China from Pakistan and then taking the trans Mongolian railway to Moscow sounds pretty damn tempting, but a lot of work. Either way, my Asia trip is coming to an end kinda soon (within 2 - 5 months, that really narrows it down), so I'll let you know what's up.

Anyway, after Sara flew out of Hellhi, I mean Delhi, I got the hell out of there too. It's crazy enough in the winter time, but now it's over 40 degrees (over 120 degrees for all those Americans) and hard to do anything except sit and drink cold esprites (that was for Sara). From Hellhi, Delhi, I caught a sleeper train to Amritsar and stayed in the free dorm at the Golden Temple, (Mecca for Sikhs) and ate free food in the canteen. I had been in India for to long (7 months) at that point, but it was the best possible way to leave. The Temple complex, as well as the people and their religion, was/were beautiful. I left India on a huge positive note and was more than ready to see what Pakistan had in store for me.

So, I took a half an hour bus to the boarder, an hour at customs and immigration, then another 45 minute bus to Lahore (Pakistan), where I'm at now. It's pretty damn hot here too, but I like it (the city) alot! I got to explore the city last night, wandering till 2 AM. I found, of all things, a skate park! It's the funniest thing I've seen since I looked in the mirror and saw my big beard! I rented a smashed up, shitty, cheap board for 50 Rupees and hour ($=60 rupees) and got out there with my teva's on and although I totally sucked (compared to what I should be able to do) I had a HUGE crowd of people around, cheering every time I did anything! On purpose, I started doing the stupidest tricks I could think of, the stuff I did when I first learned, just to see if they would cheer for that. They did and I actually sat down in the middle of the park laughing me arse off! I retired early, do to bloody toes. Poor things (my toes), they're destroyed and will never be the same after this trip, it's amazing that I still have them...

Besides acting like Tony Hawk for 15 minutes, I met a palmist, who just may have been the weirdest dude I've ever met, besides the cannibal. he didn't read my palms or anything, we just talked an drank tea. I won't repeat what was said, but he's pretty hard core, a bit loony, but hard core none the less. Anyway, I'm gonna have a great time here, I can already tell. I've met some very friendly people (even after I tell them I'm American), who want to buy me stuff?? It's strange, but they insist, so I except a Coke or tea and listen as they lecture me on how and why America will be destroyed. Everyone's pretty pissed off about the whole Koran (spl?) in the toilet thing (and rightfully so) in Guantanamo Bay (again spl?). Everyone has been praying for another 9-11, so keep your fingers crossed...

I'm outta here, just wanted to let everyone know where I'm at and I'm loving it.

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